Acne Problems

Acne Problems

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

Most often, acne affects the face, but it may also spread to the neck, chest and back, and sometimes even more extensively across the body. When several types of acne spots occur, they often do so at the same time.

Non-inflammatory Acne


Open pores on the skin where the pores are clogged with excess sebum and dead skin cells, resembling tiny black bumps


Closed pores with a white tip where the pores are clogged by sebum and dead skin cells

Inflammatory Acne


Small red or pink inflamed bumps, typically found on the face and commonly known as pimples


Red, inflamed pimples containing pus that look like whiteheads


Large, hard pimples that are deep in the skin and painful to the touch


Pus-filled pimples developed in the deeper layers of the skin than papules and pustules; and are much larger, harder and more painful to the touch

What Causes Acne?

Acne is caused by 3 things:

  • Too much oil:

    Excessive sebum production

  • Clogged pores:

    Pores blocked by abnormal skin cells or cosmetic products

  • Bacteria:

    Bacteria is often found within the excess oil that accumulates under clogged pores, resulting in inflammation and pus formation

Acne can be aggravated by:

  • Stress and an unhealthy diet

  • Hormones e.g. pregnancy, periods

  • Greasy cosmetic products

  • Certain oral medications

  • High humidity and heat

  • Family history of severe acne

Adopt a good skincare routine—including the use of clinically-tested products. Take control of your acne condition at an early stage to prevent scarring.

Call us at 6733 3629 to schedule an assessment.

How Do Acne Scars Form?

When acne damages the deeper layers of the skin, and the inflammation makes the pores swell, the wall of the pore breaks. The skin tries to heal from the damage caused by acne, and in doing so, produces too much or too little collagen.

  • Too much collagen

    This forms a raised acne scar (hypertrophic scar)

  • Too little collagen

    This forms depressions or pits in the skin (atrophic scar)

Why Seek Treatment for Acne & Scarring?

Prompt treatment should be sought because inflammatory acne may result in permanent scarring, which in turn affects self esteem. Once scars develop, they may be improved with scar treatment but not completely removed.

By seeking early intervention, you will lessen the duration and intensity of your acne treatment, reduce the risk of developing permanent scars, and achieve a better aesthetic outcome.

“No two patients are alike —it takes a dermatologist experienced in acne treatment to customise an effective treatment plan for you.”

Dr Wong Su-Ni

Consultant Dermatologist

Listening actively to your concerns, Dr Wong will work closely with you to ascertain the root cause of your acne condition. We believe that regaining your skin’s health and comfort is key to your personal well-being.

Call us at 6733 3629 or drop us a message here.

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Dr SN Wong Skin, Hair, Nails & Laser Specialist Clinic

3 Mt Elizabeth #07-09, Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510

Tel : (65) 6733 3629 Fax : (65) 6733 3628

Email: [email protected]